So, let’s get right into it- we’re fortunate enough that Los Santos has not one, not two, but THREE major publications hitting you with all the local news and juicy tidbits. With so many options, how do you know where to go for what you want to read? What is the ‘voice’ for each publication?

Let’s start with the original OG, Weazel News:
Weazel has been around for years at this point, likely when some of you out there were still studying for high school finals. Weazel covers all the big news and recently branched out into smaller creative corners. They’re a cornerstone of the news community and have remained steady and consistent for years in their impeccable editing and publication.

Read Weazel News if you want:
– Big headlines (Crime, Politics, Entertainment, Classifieds)
– Stella’s Scoops (Local Happenings, Events)
– Consistent well-edited articles and fact-checking

Now for the next head of this hydra, led by a recent newcomer Chelsea Lafayette who got their start with Weazel News: The Daily Globe.

Like Weazel, The Daily Globe also handles bg headlines but has branched into events and niche articles (such as “The Woman Who Stands in Front of Pillbox”). It’s hard to know specifically what The Daily Globe’s focus is, other than… everything.

Read The Daily Globe if you want:
– Big Headlines (Crime, Politics, Entertainment, Classifieds)
– Niche Stories and local spotlight
– More publications per week than you can keep track of. (No, seriously; I don’t think Chelsea sleeps)

And finally, us- that’s right, Los Santos Diatribes. While we’re inconsistent with updates, we’re real in opinions, and often with stories that can bring us a lot of trouble– because we deal with entertainment, of the trashiest kind.

We love a good Twitter beef, and we love to see entertainers thrive. If you have dirt, we want it. While we missed out on Pride month (let’s be real, Pride is amazing, and we don’t write dirt during the magical month of Pride), we’re already seeing storms brewing that are ripe for the picking as the summer drones on.

Read Los Santos Diatribes (LSD) if you want:

– Gossip
– Entertainment News
– Few to no advertisements
– Satire

And finally, let’s give a shoutout to our publications that didn’t withstand the test of time:
– The Meteor

Meanwhile, other contenders in the ring are waiting for the right head to be chopped off of this headline-hydra to take their place. Don’t worry though- there’s plenty of room for more news in the city– you just need the right niche.


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